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Ian J Cheadle

Gifts from your Favorite Hardwood Flooring Guy- Pt.1

Ian at Dayton Hardwood Co. not only loves giving you the gift of a hardwood floor that you will love for years to come but he also loves giving out presents too.

Every flooring customer of Dayton Hardwood Co. is given a mop, cleaning solution and microfiber to help maintain the clean beauty of the new floor. As far as favorite mops go, Ian has quite a few that he chooses from on a regular basis.

Swiffer Power Mop Wood


-Swiffer is a household name

-Price: It is the same price of all the mops on this list

-Heavy Base. We don't mean heavy in a bad way. The base is sturdy and easy to keep on the floor for perfect mop handling

- Disposable pads- let's face it. It's easier to throw away the pads than it is to wash a reusable microfiber


-It's fairly new to the market and cannot be easily found. (I'm sure this is only for a matter of time)

-Can be considered wasteful since the pads are not reusable

Loba Spray Mop Kit


-LOBA Quality- Dayton Hardwood Co. is a fan of Loba flooring products and their spray mop cleaning solution is no different.

- Multi-Surface cleaning solution that includes wood floors

-The spray mop bottle is refillable

-Re-usable microfiber that goes straight in the washer when used.


- it can't be found in your big box stores BUT is often available on Amazon.

Pallman Hardwood Floor Cleaning Kit


-Pallman is a respected flooring product company used throughout the industry. They make quality products and it's not surprising that their mop is well made.

- The mop has that heavy frame that we at Dayton Hardwood Co. appreciate

- reusable microfiber (comes with two options for a dust mop or wet mop.


- It's not a spray mop. Comes with spray bottle of cleaning solution that you can quickly mop up but doesn't have the convenience of the built in sprayer.

…...Honorable Mention

Real Clean Floors Mop Kit

We are having a hard time locating the Real Clean Floors Mop. We are not sure if they even make it anymore but we will say that If you come across one, it's worth the more expensive price tag. Its heavy duty base is by far the best that we have found. The Cleaning solution is all natural, smells nice and does fantastic job cleaning. The packaging is very lovable too.

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